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\title {Logic I \\ Lecture 16}

Logic I

Lecture 16

\def \ititle {Logic I}
\def \isubtitle {Lecture 16}
\textbf{\ititle}: \isubtitle
\iemail %
Readings refer to sections of the course textbook, \emph{Language, Proof and Logic}.
\section{There Is Exactly One}
\section{There Is Exactly One}
There is one creator (at least one, maybe more).
\hspace{3mm} ∃x Creator(x)
Ahura Mazda is the one and only creator.
\hspace{3mm} Creator(a) ∧ ∀x( Creator(x) → x=a )
All squares are broken.
\hspace{3mm} ∀x( Sqr(x) → Brkn(x) )
There is one and only one creator.
\hspace{3mm} ∃y( Creator(y) ∧ ∀x( Creator(x) → x=y ) )
\hspace{3mm} or:
\hspace{3mm} ∃y ∀x( Creator(x) ↔ x=y )

There is one creator (at least one, maybe more).

∃x Creator(x)

Ahura Mazda is the one and only creator.

∃y( Creator(a) ∧ ∀x( Creator(x)x=a )

All squares are broken.

∀x( Sqr(x)Brkn(x) )

There is one and only one creator.

∃y( Creator(y) ∧ ∀x( Creator(x) → x=y ) )

Look, two quantifiers. But not just two quantifiers, one is existential and the other is universal. Mixed quantifiers!
Here's another, shorter way of expressing the same proposition (these are logically equivalent)


∃y( ∀x( Creator(x) x=y ) )

Ex: There is one and only one female creator.

Ex: There is one and only one creator and she is female.

14.10--14.12, *14.13
11.10, 11.13

No Lecture Next Thursday (17th March 2016)


Every Time I Go to the Dentist Someone Dies

\section{Every Time I Go to the Dentist Someone Dies}
\emph{Reading:} §11.2
\section{Every Time I Go to the Dentist Someone Dies}
∀t (
\hspace{5mm} ( Time(t) ∧ ToDentist(a,t) )
\hspace{5mm} →
\hspace{5mm} ∃x ( Person(x) ∧ TimeOfDeath(x,t) )

Could There Be Nothing?

\section{Could There Be Nothing?}
\emph{Reading:} §13.2
\section{Could There Be Nothing?}

Proofs about Proofs

\section{Proofs about Proofs}
\section{Proofs about Proofs}

let’s get meta

\textbf{If A ⊢ B then ⊢ A→B}
Proof Given a proof for A ⊢ B …
… we can turn it into a proof for ⊢ A→B:
\textbf{If ⊢ A→B then A ⊢ B}
\textbf{If A ⊢ B then A ⊢ ¬¬B}
\textbf{If A ⊢ C then A ⊢ B→C}
\textbf{If A ⊢ B and A ⊢ ¬C then A ⊢ ¬(B→C)}

Does ‘if’ mean what ‘→’ means?

\section{Does ‘if’ mean what ‘→’ means?}
\emph{Reading:} §7.3
\section{Does ‘if’ mean what ‘→’ means?}
These two arguments are valid: does that mean that `if' means what `→' means?
The English argument isn't valid; the awFOL argument is valid; therefore `if' can't mean what `→' means?

No Lecture Next Thursday (17th March 2016)