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Monitoring Students’ Progress

There are two main ways to get a view on what your students are doing. If you want an overview, you can select the ‘Tutees’ progress’ link. This will give you graphs of their performance. It is also a quick way to see what each student got wrong in the last 7 days.
I don’t want to show you that because it should be easy to follow. Instead look at the link ‘List of tutees’. I’ll click that and it takes me to a page with all my tutees ...
If you click on one of the exercise set links for one of your students, it will take you to a page that shows the student’s progress with that set of exercises. Let’s do that now ...
So here I’m looking at the ‘normal-normal’ exercises, but instead of seeing my own progress donut I’m seeing the student’s progress. Now I’ll scroll down.
If I select the links for a particular lecture or unit of a lecture ...
... I see which exercises the student has answered correctly and which she got wrong, as well as which still need answers. (Here the student has the exercises all right).
If I want to see the student’s answer to any of these exercises, I can just click on the link ...
Clicking on the exercise link has taken me to the grading page, but here I see only the answer provided by the student whose progress I’m reviewing.
If I want to see more answers, I can use the ‘next exercise’ link at the bottom to got to the next link, or I can hit the ‘back’ button of my browser to get back to the list of exercises.