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i. ‘Fire melts ice’ is a sentence
ii. There is a sentence
∃y S(y)
iii. There is a sentence which is the negation of ‘Fire melts ice’
∃y ( S(y) ∧ N(y,a) )
iv. Some sentences are contradictions and all contradictions are logically equivalent.
i. Some sentences are logically equivalent.
∃x ∃y ( S(y) ∧ S(x) ∧ LgcllyEqvlnt(x,y) )
LgcllyEqvlnt(x,y) = L(x,y) ∧ L(y,x)
ii. Some sentences are contradictions.
∃y ( S(y) ∧ Contradiction(y) )
Contradiction(y) = ∀x L(y,x)
iii. All contradictions are logically equivalent.
∀x ∀y ( Contradiction(x) ∧ Contradiction(y) → LgcllyEqvlnt(y) )